Gambia radio station censored, MD harassed

An independent radio station that Gambian authorities ordered to stop broadcasting from 1-4 January 2015 after a failed coup attempt in the country has been allowed back on air, but ordered to play only music, according to news reports and local journalists.
Gambia radio station censored, MD harassed

The crackdown on community station Taranga FM came after a failed coup attempt on 30 December 2014. The station had not broadcast reports on the attempted coup, according to local journalists.

On 1 January, police arrested Alagie Abdoulie Ceesay, managing director of Taranga FM, and detained him in Yundum police station overnight before releasing him on bail the following day, according to news reports.

He has been ordered to report daily to the police, who have not charged him or given an explanation for his harassment, local journalists told the Committee to Protect Journalists.

"The arbitrary censorship of Taranga FM is the latest attempt to restrict independent voices in Gambia," said Peter Nkanga, CPJ's West Africa representative. "We call on authorities to allow the station to resume broadcasting freely and to stop harassing its staff."

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