Advertising Quotes Southern Africa

"The greatest thing to be achieved in advertising, in my opinion, is believability, and nothing is more believable than the product itself."
Leo Burnett

"Advertisers are the interpreters of our dreams - Joseph interpreting for Pharoah. Like the movies, they infect the routine futility of our days with purposeful adventure. Their weapons are our weaknesses: fear, ambition, illness, pride, selfishness, desire, ignorance. And these weapons must be kept as bright as a sword."
E.G. White, U.S. author & editor, 1936.

"It takes courage to be creative. Just as soon as you have a new idea, you are a minority of one."
E. Paul Torrance

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist when you grow up."
Pablo Picasso

"Lack of money is no obstacle. Lack of an idea is an obstacle."
Ken Hakuta

"Advertising is criticized on the ground that it can manipulate consumers to follow the will of the advertiser. The weight of evidence denies this ability. Instead, evidence supports the position that advertising, to be successful, must understand or anticipate basic human needs and wants and interpret available goods and services in terms of their want-satisfying abilities. This is the very opposite of manipulation."
Charles H. Sandage, Some Institutional Aspects of Advertising, 1972.

"I believe in capitalism as the best way to improve the lives of most of the people of South Africa, and advertising is the petrol that fuels a capitalist system."
Ross Chowles

"If it doesn't sell, it isn't creative."
David Ogilvy

"The business that considers itself immune to the necessity for advertising sooner or later finds itself immune to business."
Derby Brown

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I experience and I understand."

"Worry not that no one knows of you; seek to be worth knowing."

"You need to build addiction. Once you get users hooked to a service, price sensitivity changes."
Tomi Ahonen

"There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns."
Edward de Bono

"Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and advertise."
Ted Turner

"The ideas that come out of most brainstorming sessions are usually superficial, trivial, and not very original. They are rarely useful. The process, however, seems to make uncreative people feel that they are making innovative contributions and that others are listening to them."
A. Harvey Block

"The more facts you tell, the more you sell. An advertisement's chance for success invariably increases as the number of pertinent merchandise facts included in the ad increases."
Dr Charles Edwards

"Learn the rules. Then learn how to change them, and get others to follow."
Heidi Minx, President, Franky & Minx, Inc.

"Sometimes I'm so sweet even I can't stand it."
Julie Andrews

"A solid strategy wins accounts while a brilliant ad strokes the ego of that particular brand."

"I figured that if I said it enough, I would convince the world that I really was the greatest."
Muhammad Ali

"The only way to keep on top of creativity internationally, is to be part of it internationally."
Peet Pienaar, Creative Director of daddy buy me a pony

"The very first law in advertising is to avoid the concrete promise and cultivate the delightfully vague."
Bill Cosby

"Society drives people crazy with lust and calls it advertising."
John Lahr

"As society becomes more complex and opaque, as social processes seem more impersonal and autonomous, and as elites of 'experts' become more annoying, more people are tempted to think that some 'they' is manipulating 'us', using, among other dark arts, advertising."
George F. Will

"The product that will not sell without advertising will not sell profitably with advertising."
Albert Lasker, head of Lord & Thomas advertising agency (later known as Foote, Cone & Belding).

"The trade of advertising is now so near to perfection that it is not easy to propose any improvement. But as every art ought to be exercized in due subordination to the public good, I cannot but propose it as a moral question to these masters of the public ear, whether they do not sometimes play too wantonly with our passions."
Dr. Samuel Johnson, English author, 1759.

"I am one who believes that one of the greatest dangers of advertising is not that of misleading people, but that of boring them to death."
Leo Burnett

"It takes a big idea to attract the attention of consumers and get them to buy your product. Unless your advertising contains a big idea, it will pass like a ship in the night. I doubt if more than one campaign in a hundred contains a big idea."
David Ogilvy, Ogilvy on Advertising, 1985.

"The list of sins committed by advertising is limited only by the creativity of its critics. (via"
Jerry Kirkpatrick

"This war will not be over by the next commercial break."
US spokeperson talking to reporters during the Gulf War

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