Don't take claims at face value

Choose #IBuyVerified
Don't take claims at face value

If your location provider says your digital location campaign is being accurately served in a geofence, all you can do is take their word for it, right?

Wrong! Don't take claims at face value. You can – and must – ask for 3rd party verification.

Vicinity Media is SA's only independently verified location provider with a 100% accuracy rating, and we want to champion industry-wide transparency.

We will pay for 3rd party verification on any digital location campaign, whether it's our campaign or not.

Don't take claims at face value

Put your location-based campaign forward to be independently verified and stand a chance to win a campaign valued at 50k, executed by Vicinity Media. Whether you're a Vicinity Media client or not (yet).

Let us show you what an independently verified location provider can do for you!

For details about our verification payment offer and the campaign prize, click #IBuyVerified below.


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