Infrastructure & Utilities News Ghana

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Closing Africa's infrastructure gap
Closing Africa's infrastructure gap

 4 Apr 2019

Copper was part of the deal between the DRC and the Chinese company Sicomines. Shutterstock
The DRC and China's Sicomines: why future deals should be different

 3 Apr 2019

How data collected from mobile phones can help electricity planning
How data collected from mobile phones can help electricity planning

 14 Mar 2019

Why linking rural and urban areas matters for development: a Ghana case study
Why linking rural and urban areas matters for development: a Ghana case study

 10 Sep 2018

Alain Ebobissé is the CEO of Africa50.
The recipe for long-term growth in Africa

 18 Jul 2018

Why foreign investment is no easy fix for Africa's energy needs
Why foreign investment is no easy fix for Africa's energy needs

 31 May 2018

Let's do Biz